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Monthly Archives: March 2009


This is a loving little dog owned by the sister of a good friend and fellow artist, Tracey Hyde. Her name is Sammy. She was born with the left ear pointing to the left. Her nickname is “Left Turn”. I drew her in ink continuous line prior to watercoloring her. Tracey was kind enough to send me a picture of her to share with all of you.

sammy21  The Real Sammy


I was so touched by Barbaro’s story, I painted this out of respect for all horses’  incredible souls.


I used saran wrap and watercolor to create the foliage. I drew the trees in india ink. The roadway was painted wet-inwet.


Jay Bastian, friend and fellow artist, introduced me to using toy figures for still life subjects. This ink and wash was a result of one such attempt. Check out Jay’s blog.



kaufmanmatt by Matt Kaufman

This still life was turned in by one of my drawing students. We all liked his value, line and quirky choice of subject material.


