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Monthly Archives: December 2019


The art, above, was created by my beginning watercolor students this session. I have chosen to post their paintings, here, rather than on a separate page. Only two of the six students showed up on the last night when I photograph their work.

This group learned about the three basic ways to paint in watercolor, practicing their wet in wet, wet on dry and dry brushing each week as they painted their assignments. They learned about basic color theory and how to create strong value contrasts. We always paint a back-lit painting in beginning watercolor just to practice darks and learn how to achieve a colorful dark. We studied techniques like using liquid mask, salt, crayon resist, magic eraser and how to splatter. We learned how to paint little people to place in our landscapes and we learned to crop and grid a painting.

Thank you to the two artists who allowed me to share their paintings here.

Loren Bergren4


Karen Harvey6


Jennifer Hope5


Bill Lambert7

The above paintings are examples of what the artists in my Watercolor Landscape class created this year. They had to study landscape composition, value, division of space as it relates to landscapes. They learned several techniques to enhance texture, including splatter painting. They studied creating depth and painting little people and animals.

If you would like to view all of their paintings, click here. You can also access their gallery by scrolling to the top of the page and click on Student Art: Watercolor Landscape 2019.

Thank you to all the artists who submitted their work so others could view it.

Jan Reche3

Judy Notestine

Sue Mendenhall5

The above paintings were created by artists who take part in the Advanced Watercolor class. These artists come together for 6 week sessions and paint together and critique each others art. I am there to mentor and help as needed. Most of these artists have painted together for ten years or more.

If you would like to view the rest of their paintings this session, please click here.