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  1. Mmmmm . . . I bet my mom loves your leaves. I do!

  2. Thanks, Karly. So did Nancy. Maybe it runs in the Family.

  3. Thanks for the compliments! These paintings are a ton of fun.

  4. fabulous pieces.

  5. I love your abstract leaves, I can see a maximum best of the pencils here with the hues you created, great job!

    • Hi, Padmaja! Thank-you for the comment and the visit! I just returned from your art blog and must say that I will return.I like how you arrange shapes and your use of color!

  6. Lovely –

    For you! Have a great week. Thanks for everthing.

    • Jamie, Thank you. That is absolutely beautiful! I hope people visit comments and click on this frequently. Such a gift you give!

  7. Guess, my eyes are playing tricks on me. Didn’t remember seeing this page before. Glad I found it though. I love using color pencils. These are very well done Leslie. 🙂

    • Hi Emily! These took forever to do and they are all smaller than I paint. I would like to be more loose with them but have not sat down to play with colored pencil for awhile. I do like the medium, though. I used to love to color as a child. I feel that hit everytime I begin something in colored pencil. Thank you for the comment! 🙂

  8. It is hard to choose a favourite here,
    and so I will just compliment you for
    all of them… Thank you for offering
    such a wonderful feast of art…

    Androgoth Xx

  9. Wow, I love colored pencil, and use them myself. Nice job! I just started pastels again and love them, also. Almost like colored pencil, but less restricting.

    • Thank you, Cheryl. I am horrible with pastels but admire those who can use them with seemingly little effort. I must setaside some time to use mycolored pencils again. Thank you for the visit and the comment!

  10. Beautiful artworks! Amazing.

    • LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    • Posted May 29, 2013 at 9:18 pm
    • Permalink
    • Reply

    oh these are so wonderful..
    I especially like the leaves….
    I need to find where to get you notifications…I will
    Take Care…

    • It is great to receive a comment, here, on this page. I have not worked in colored pencil for ages due to time spent with my watercolors and classes. Thank you so much!

  11. Leslie – Can you tell me again the brand of color pencils to purchase? I know it started with a “P” but I didn’t write it down. You also said they were expensive. Please let me know and thanks!

    • Prismacolor. That is the brand that I use. I tried one other brand and was not as satisfied. The colored pencil artists that I have met all use Prismacolor. They are expensive. They come in regular, stick and verithin forms. I started with a set of 48 and it grew from there.

  12. Thank you. Got em!

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  1. By Goauche Resist: Abner 3 « Leslie White on 29 Nov 2011 at 10:04 pm

    […] is a a portrait of my daughter’s weimaraner. I have painted him previously here and here.  His expression captivates me, so I just may paint him again sometime in the […]

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