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The above painting was started by my drawing the bloodhound with one continuous line. If you have followed my blog, you have seen several drawings where I use a continuous line approach. I then painted the colors and  worked the watercolor in using the wet in wet approach to achieve the effects I wanted.  I left highlights white like I have spoken of in several posts recently. I painted on hotpress paper, a non-textured surface. It was a joy to incorporate many of the things I have been studying into one painting.

This led me to thinking about the work we all do, specifically in regards to art and different interpretations. I have painted this very same bloodhound differently using another approach.

In this version, I had placed a grid over the reference photo and then drawn a very distorted grid with the same number of spaces on my coldpress paper. Two completely different interpretations of the same dog! I suppose, to some, this is not such a wonderful discovery but I think it is a marvelous thing to remember when we sit down to create. I rarely paint the same reference the same way each time, even if I try.

When I view all the art there is available on these art blogs, I keep this in mind. I enjoy the journey of everyone’s individual take on an inspiration whether it be in writing, photography, two-dimensional or three-dimensional art. You ALL teach me and ENTERTAIN me! I thank-you for that!!!!


  1. Hey! Okay, I burst out laughing when I saw this foldy, rippled, wonderful dog. Please cover Lucy’s ears and promise to never ever ever tell her….but this is my favourite! He’s SO noble and wise and funny…You captured such personality. And the colours, as always, are brilliant. The second experiment is cool as well. It has SUCH a different mood. It’s funny…it affected me emotionally. I got a real punk-rock, badass….little scary vibe from it for some reason. No idea why it touched me in such a way. That made me laugh as well. Thank You and Cheers and Namaste. 🙂 OH! And I’ve had a gloriously fun accident on the painting I’m working on. Pretty sure it will give You a laugh! 😆

    • Thank-you, Bliss. Now, Lucy’s crying but I told her it was because I just haven’t captured her as well as I did this bloodhound and I shall try her again soon. That seemed to suffice a little. LOL
      I wonder if the second one might look a little more edgy and the eye became much different than the soft rendition on the first one. I agree he looks more “badass” in the second one. I want to see the acrylic board paintings!

        • blissbait
        • Posted June 25, 2010 at 11:14 am
        • Permalink

        Lucy crying! Rut Roh!!! 😆 Please tell her Loveliness that it’s my favourite only because his droopy, wise expression gifted me instant laughter. I wanted to stick a pipe in his mouth and listen to him spout wisdom! 😆 Where as Lucy’s beauty stirred my heart with quiet wonder. Looking upon Lucy, the awe that overcame me was akin to the cat getting my tongue. What?!!! OH NOOOOOO!!!! She’s crying harder now?!! What???!!! ARGGHHHHH!!! 😆

      • 🙂 I gave her your message and she said she is pleased to know that you think her beautiful and that she would not want a pipe. She was wagging her tail for every tid-bit of your message to her! Thanks, Bliss!

  2. Oh my gosh, he’s beautiful!! I was amazed by the infusion of color you have in this one, compared to the other. All that white really does help set it off, too!

    Thanks for inspiring me every time you post, either here or on my blog. I thank YOU for that! 🙂

    • Thank-you. I think I applied more layers to the first one and,yes, leaving those white areas really does change a painting. Aren’t we lucky to discover each other on these blogs. I have witnessed tremendous growth in all of us this year. You inspire me, also, as you already know. 🙂

  3. I forgot to mention, I have been thinking a lot lately about doing another continuous line drawing, so I’m extra glad you did this.

    • Thank-you for mentioning the continuous line. I don’t know if it will work, everytime, but the continuos line helped me to find and design this image and it’s white areas better. I felt as though I was sculpting him as I painted if that makes any sense at all.

  4. OH! And I forgot…I SOOOOO agree with You…I am very inspired and lifted and joyed along and educated by ALL of You wonderful artists of every medium here in blogland!!! Thank You Lovely Miss Leslie and All! Namaste. 🙂

  5. You have a way with color! and with expression of your subject; he is fabulous!!

    • Thank-you for this comment, Isabelle. You know, you are one of the artists who has taught me to “let go and be”. I have such a habit of not letting go. So, thank-you, in turn, for your inspiration!

  6. What a great blood hound painting. These dogs have such unique looks and personality. As I would say “What a big Sweety”

    • Thank-you, Ryan. I looked this breed up here:
      I found it sad that their life span, on the average is much shorter than many other breeds of dogs. …and it says on that site just what you said above, “What a big Sweety”.

  7. Leslie, I want to say thanks to YOU!
    I have never wanted to experiment so much with other techniques as I have since following your blog. I also find it a bit ironic that you are playing more with hot press paper (my first choice!) Do you like using it?

    • Thank-you, Karen! Yes, in answer to the hotpress. I struggle with it more because it accepts the pigment much different than the coldpress. The washes dry much lighter. The good part about that is that I can build areas slowly. I have admired some recent watercolors of artists who use this paper to go back into it a multitude of times. Their work becomes monochromatic but is really built up of many layers of colors. I have not been able to emulate them, as yet. They appear simple, but are complex. I don’t know how to describe it. Also, any wet in wet applications I do, I get a totally different look to. Another idea I kind of want to explore, at some point, with this paper is that it seems to hold the feeling of the original drawing much better. I don’t know why that is. I like what you have done with your work on this paper and how you build up wash upon wash. I guess I am still searching for what I want from it. The journey continues!

  8. Hhe I love the second one too Leslie – both are so annimated! It’s great to experiment and see what turns up, sometimes the journey may turn out to be more interesting than the destination, (not in this case) but it shouldn’t stop one travelling should it 🙂

    • I know, Lynda! One can’t help but love this face! I want to do a basset hound, someday. The wrinkles and the lines fascinate me! Thank-you for the journey comment. That means a lot. I, primarily try to focus on the journey. For me, painting is a hobby more than anything else and a joy to share with others. The fact that this blogging offers me others to share the journey with is the ultimate joy. And you, Lynda, who keeps introducing new ways of looking at things and new and old art. So rich!!!!!

  9. Leslie, you are a star! I love the way you share with such an open heart. There are many blogs and bloggers I enjoy, but I want you to know you are my number one inspiration. You are incredibly generous with you creative journey. Thank you.
    PS I am house sitting and dog minding at the moment. The dog is a Staffy, a lovely wrinkly little guy called Boof. Would you like me to send you a photo of him that you could paint from?

    • Thank-you, Kirsty! You are so kind to say that…you know I sit in awe of your writing and photography skills. I’d love to try Boof as long as it is OK with his owners that I play around with his image. 🙂 You know when I get to it, I’d post him on the web.

  10. Leslie, what a special painting and post. I love the expression in the top painting and the second painting is so different – he looks like he is ready to take action. Once again lovely color and great techinque. You capture the essense of the subject. Thank you for your generosity. YOU inspire me!

  11. He is soooo cute! You did an amazing job. I’ve never heard of doing a continuous line drawing. Sounds hard! I too am amazed and gratified by the sharing of ideas, work and inspiration through everyone here in blog land. I never expected it but it is a great benefit. Have a great weekend!

    • Thank-you Kathleen! Here is one of my posts where I actually did a continuous line without looking at the paper and another while looking at the paper. If I get a good one, I go ahead and use that for the line drawing for some of my paintings. I also use this to better study a subject and get the feel of the contours and the form.

  12. Good point Leslie, I think I’ve learned more from blogs than anyplace else; that includes your blog.

    • I think it is because we can stop and really take in what we are interested in, don’t you? Plus, there are so many people doing what we are doing and it is a joy to see everyone’s vision. Thank-you for talking me into blogging, Jay.

  13. Leslie, I love this bloodhound! I am a big fan of the breed and you’ve captured all of those folds so beautifully. His ears and jowels are fabulous – I would imagine it was difficult not to get lost in all of those folds!

    • Thank-you, Laurie! I remember when I first visited yopur blog and what caught my eye was that dog in the back of a truck. Remember?

      • Leslie,
        I do remember your first visit and the big dog in the truck photo. There was a lesson for photographers in that photo – always take your camera with you wherever you go, and always be willing to stop whatever you’re doing to take a photo. That dog lives right around the corner from me, and I have been back to his house many times to try to photograph him again, but I haven’t been able to catch him since. While I’d love the chance to photograph him again, as a dog lover, I’m thrilled that this beautiful creature isn’t living his entire life chained to a truck! Thanks so much for sharing the link with your readers!

  14. the depth and life of the continuous line approach here is awesome… your expression and sharing is such a feast. thank you…

    • No, thank-you!, JRuth! I love drawing with just one line, moving in and out around a form.

  15. The first dog watercolor is very nice and the colors are clean and bright. I think using the white of the paper is a good idea. There isn’t a tube of white watercolor that’s going to be as fresh as the white of the paper.

    • Thank-you, Albertus! That is so true. The white watercolor and the white gouache that I sometimes use are so opaque that care has to be taken in order to not completely change any of the other colors it comes in contact with.

  16. Leslie, your blog is always so full of information, beautiful art and great comments, we should be thanking you! Your bloodhound is fantastic and as soon as I saw him I thought of Matt always talking about working with bloodhounds and their ability to track.

    • Thanks, Carol. The morning after I finished this portrait, Matt told me they had followed a bloodhound. I thought it was so cool that he spoke of that the same morning I finished this….I sent him the image through e-mail. At times like that, it makes me wonder about all the interconnectedness of our lives near and far.

  17. Wow, love the droopy jowls and ears in both! In the second one, the texture of the coat shows extremely well, but I keep looking at the first, especially all the colors for the ears… How you express individual journeys is inspiring, “whether it be in writing, photography, two-dimensional or three-dimensional art. You ALL teach me and ENTERTAIN me! I thank-you for that!!!!” Well said 🙂

    • Thank-you, Adam! The first bloodhound is how I really like to paint. The second is an exercise in creativity designed to search for our creative selves. You might see something more of the artist in the first one and that is “cool” that you mention being drawn to that one. Now, I have learned from you on your recent comment on Lynda’s blog that you follow the Cubs. ME TOO! This year has been very difficult to watch but I still do!GO CUBS GO!

  18. this is incredible.
    I like it

  19. Thanks for sharing the art tips Leslie, you will always be our teacher. I remember the “distorted” bloodhound from your previous post before. Yup continuous line drawing, have yet to try that out. still have lots more to learn in art.

    • I don’t think it is just me that teaches. I learn from you and everyone I visit. New ideas pop in my mind or I see an unusual painting and think about images I’ve seen that I haven’t even considered doing. For instance, that lantern painting you did. I see that in my mind and marvel. Thank-you for the comment, Francis, and happy painting!

  20. dear leslie,

    i have finished reading the “story of edgar sawtelle” and this painting about dogs made me again remember the story. i imagine your dogs as baboo or tinder or almondine or essay. oh wonderful! i miss my dogs too, so much. thanks for posting these wonderful paintings, dogs hold a special spot in my heart.

    • Hi Marvin!

      Well, did you anticipate the ending? Most people I have talked to did not and I did not, either. However I found such a world as I didn’t mind entering and following Edgar and his dogs. Thank-you so much for this comment. It means worlds, to me, that my dog portraits can even begin to share a personality with my viewers. Thank-you for that, Marvin. You have made my day. 🙂

  21. This is sooo cute.

  22. I actually like the second painting, it’s quirky. I still really wanna try this technique.

    • Hi Littlelynx! Have missed you. Thank-you for the comment. I still like the second one too!

      • I know, I’ve been MIA. I’m working on changing that, but lots of things are going on right now. It’s eating at me that I’m not drawing/painting right now so I’m really going to try and fit that into my schedule.

      • YAY! I miss you!

  23. This painting made me cry

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